About Darlene

Welcome to ScamBusters! This aim of this site is to identify fraud or scam sites, especially in bitcoin mining, and to give you the “skinny” on them.

ABOUT MEDarlene Thompson

After my divorce and recent health decline, I was looking to make money on-line. I inadvertently got trapped by quite a few bitcoin mining scams. Some of these just wasted my time and some wasted my money.

I would always feel so stupid for being sucked in by these sites and by the people who recommended them. Often times, these people themselves were new to the site(s) and unintentionally invited others to participate – with disastrous consequences.


Yes. Very few of these mining sites are legitimate. Sad but true. I do not want people to have the negative experiences that I have had on these sites. Trial and error on these sites can cause unimaginable angst and also waste your money. Who these days have money to waste?

Some sites are worthwhile but very few. I will also be reviewing these to point you in the right direction. I don’t want anybody to have to go through what I went through. You may think me incredibly naive but many people get caught in these as they just sound SO good.


Rather than blindly trying out various sites, research is the key. I have now gone through and researched many sites and would like to share what the pitfalls of each are. I would also like to assist you in making money with truly useful sites and practices.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,


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  1. Hi Darlene i found you on one of my FB pages. And now I asked you to be my friend also. I wonder if you could see if this company is a scam. I have invested about $3000 into it so If you can see and estimate it for me? Kurt Edlund from Finland

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